Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday Management Day

This is a new idea that I am trying this year and I love it! The file buckets are filled with the students morning Daily Do It, handwriting book, Writing Portfolio, Phonics book, and everyday supplies. It keeps the classroom looking organized and it keeps the students from having so many folders in their desk.  It also helps me with time management because I don't have to take the time each day to hand out all these folders or supplies. The students can just go to their group bucket and get what they need.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Witches Hats

Here is fun snack that is easy for your students to make. Attached below is the recipe!

Roll A Pumpkin

This is a great game that I made for math. The students take turns rolling the dice and coloring in the corresponding part of the pumpkin. The first one to have to their pumpkin colored in wins.

New to the Blogging World!!!

This is my first day as a blogger.  I think I spent about 2 hours just setting up my template, designs and colors.  Well, the purpose of doing this blog is because I have gotten so many great ideas from so many bloggers and I want to give back to all the teachers.  My goal is to post something new twice a week.  I hope that you all enjoy!